Our Full Faith Kids ministry is all about trying to teach these kids Biblical truths that will help them grow in Christ. We primarily do this with two different age groups consisting of Pre-K and Elementary. And even though we have some general age guidelines, we are flexible and want to work with parents as we understand each child may have different needs.

Pre-K children looking in prize basket at Full Faith Church of Chariton Iowa

Pre-K (0-6)

The first age group that we minister to are our preschoolers.  This group ranges from birth to approximately 6 years old. Through a variety of media components, lessons, music and activities, we try to meet these children at their level of learning and attention span all while trying to prepare them for a smooth transition into our school age ministry.

Elementary (6-12)

Which brings us to our elementary group which covers the approximate ages of 6-12 years old. Through our curriculum we combine media components with live instruction to help the Bible come alive in a fun and exciting way. From illustrated sermons, to entertaining videos, review games and other elements we are trying to continue to build that foundation on God's Word while preparing them for the eventual transition into the adult service. 

Elementary aged children in Kids Church at Full Faith in Chariton Iowa

Each week, we start our worship services family style with everyone in our main sanctuary where we can praise and worship God together. After we have sang and received the tithes and offerenings, we dismiss the kids to their classroom before the sermon begins.
